

Can Regulation Advance Access to Justice?

  • October 14, 2016

Join the CBA Access to Justice Committee, as a part of Access to Justice Week organized by TAG – The Action Group on Access to Justice, as we consider if we can - indeed if we should – foster access to justice through legal regulation.

Checklist for writing legal health checks

  • October 12, 2016

CBA’s legal health checks are a way of alerting people to legal issues they may not be aware of. They can impart basic information on a particular theme and give lay people an idea of the next steps they’ll need to take to prevent a legal problem, or at least stop it from escalating.

Fall conferences

  • October 12, 2016

Is your Section having a conference this fall? Read on to see our list of upcoming conferences.

Where to find us online

  • October 12, 2016

The CBA National office has one bricks-and-mortar address, but there are also a host of other places to find us online. Let us draw you a map of the high points.

Spotlight on legal aid benchmarks

  • October 12, 2016

The CBA, in cooperation with the Association of Legal Aid Plans of Canada, has developed six aspirational legal aid benchmarks aimed at providing guiding principles to achieve the goal of a national system of public legal assistance. So what comes next?

Statement Against the Immigration Detention of Children

  • October 04, 2016

We urge the government of Canada to immediately cease the immigration detention of unaccompanied minors, children, and families, in order to halt the significant harm to children. Children should neither be detained, nor separated from their parents as a result of the detention of their parents. Community-based alternatives to immigration detention should be implemented immediately to protect the best interests of children and children’s right to liberty and family life.