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IP Day diversity breakfast

  • June 07, 2016

“Where are the women?” the keynote speaker at last year’s IP Day luncheon asked. This year the Intellectual Property Section tried to answer that question with a Diversity Breakfast aimed at sharing stories and getting people talking about diversity. Read on for an account of the event by Mala Joshi and Kamleh Nicola.

!!New survey deadline!! Inquiring minds want to know: Do you LPO?

  • June 07, 2016

What impact does legal process outsourcing have on your business? Why do you do it – or not? These are the kinds of questions a study launched by the CBA, Taran Virtual Associates and CorbinPartners will be trying to answer, with your help. The deadline has been extended to June 30.

Weighing in on international assistance

  • June 06, 2016

CBA International Initiatives has taken part in discussions about what Canada’s priorities should be as the government undertakes a review of its international assistance. CBAII points out that anyone can participate in the review, and has a few ideas of why members should do so.

Spotlight on tools you can use

  • June 06, 2016

We all get by with a little help from our friends, especially when those friends have the tools you need. This month we’re highlighting the tools and resources developed by CBA’s Sections, Forums, Committees and initiatives to help you and your practice.

Resources for Fort McMurray Evacuees

  • May 27, 2016

The CBA’s Alberta Branch worked with Legal Aid Alberta, the Law Society of Alberta and various pro bono organizations/clinics in Alberta to create a number of resources for Fort McMurray evacuees that address their most frequently asked legal questions.