

CBA online mental health course celebrates a successful first year

  • September 13, 2016

The online self-learning course launched last year to help people in the legal profession identify mental health issues and find the resources they need has had more than 1,500 participants in its first year. The next step is to get the word out to law students and young lawyers.

Read the newest issue of The Canadian Bar Review online

  • September 13, 2016

The first issue of the Canadian Bar Review to be edited by our new co-editors from the University of Windsor is now online. The issue bridges academia and legal practice by shedding light on matters of importance to legal practitioners.

Spotlight on CBA Connect

  • September 13, 2016

Introduced at the Council meeting held this summer in Ottawa, CBA Connects is a key part of the association’s engagement and retention strategy for law students and young lawyers, offering advice from peers and one-stop-shopping online for all their CBA needs.


  • August 25, 2016

Tourism season in Ottawa coincides with consultation season for the federal government, which means that when Parliamentarians go home to their constituencies, the work of the Legislation and Law Reform department ramps up.