
The CBA Intellectual Property Section is seeking participation in its various Committees. These Committees provide Section members with opportunities to:

  • Comment on proposed changes to legislation and regulatory policies
  • Keep abreast of developments in intellectual property law
  • Network with others with similar interests

Committees need the contribution of Section members to deliver relevant services to CBA members. Member participation also ensure our submissions to legislative and regulatory bodies reflect the full range of member perspectives.

Committee Guidelines

Committee Guidelines have been introduced in an attempt to encourage participation and increase productivity. These guidelines seek to maintain fair and transparent criteria for selection of Committee members.

We strongly encourage you to join our Committees by sending an e-mail to the indicating your reasons for wishing to join.

Committee Directory

Intellectual Property Committees focus on core areas of intellectual property law. Please click on the name of the Committee to read their mandate and view a listing of Committee members.

Committees include: