VIII Branches
20. Meetings
Each Branch shall meet annually at a time and place specified by the Branch Executive Committee. Special meetings of the members of a Branch may be called at a time and place specified by the Branch Executive Committee. The meetings have all the powers for the organization of the Branch and the conduct of its business and affairs within the jurisdiction as Annual and Special Meetings of the Association have for the organization and the conduct of the business and affairs of the Association, except to the extent that those powers are limited by or under authority of the Bylaws of the Association.
21. Branch Council
- The Branch Council consists of:
- elected members of the Branch Council;
- chairs of Branch Sections;
- the President of each Law Students Association in the jurisdiction, or another representative as the Branch may decide, being a Student Member of the Association;
- other members of the Association as the Branch or the Branch Council may appoint by a resolution.
- A Student Member who is a member of a Branch Council is entitled to vote at meetings of the Branch Council.
- The requirements of this section apply to a Branch only to the extent the numbers and organization of the Branch make them practicable.
22. Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of the Branch Council is five members or a greater number determined by the Branch Bylaws.
23. Branch Officers and Executive
- The Branch Officers are:
- the President of the Branch;
- the Vice President of the Branch, who assumes the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to act.
- the Secretary and Treasurer, or the Secretary-Treasurer;
- such other officers as may be appointed
- Executive Committee
The Branch Executive Committee consists of the Branch officers and the Immediate Past President. Subject to the authority of the Branch Council, the Branch Executive Committee has the same powers for matters strictly in its jurisdiction as the Board of Directors has for matters affecting the Association as a whole.
- The Branch Executive Committee reports to each meeting of the Branch Council and the Branch.
- Each Branch Executive Committee shall meet for the conduct of business and may adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as may be determined by the Bylaws of the Branch.
- Vacancy
Any vacancy in the Branch Council or Branch Executive Committee shall be filled by the Council or by the members of the Branch in conformity with the Regulations of the Branch, and in the interim may by filled temporarily by the Branch Executive Committee.