Message from the CBA President

John Stefaniuk

Serving as President this year has been the highlight of my long involvement with the Canadian Bar Association. Taking on the role was not something I ever envisioned for myself. That said, doing so has provided me with some of the most interesting and personally rewarding experiences in my legal and volunteer careers. I am filled with gratitude. Writing this message as one of my last acts in office is a bittersweet time of reflection. It is also a time of great optimism for the future of the CBA and its position as the voice of the legal profession in Canada.

The CBA is over 40,000 members strong. Our influence, and the strength and commitment of our members, span the country. The CBA is a respected and sought-after voice in legislatures and at policy tables nationwide. I am overwhelmed by the work of our many hundreds of volunteers in advancing our shared purpose. We make significant impacts in service of the law, for the public good, and for the interests of lawyers in Canada.

My first priority as President has been to promote and protect the rule of law, including judicial independence and access to justice. I have had the opportunity to speak with lawyers, jurists and the media on these issues across the country and internationally. The issues are pervasive across jurisdictions and greatly concerning. Elected officials need to be reminded of the importance of the rule of law in maintaining our democracy and institutions of justice, and Canada’s attractiveness to international investors; those things go hand in hand. This means respect for the separation of powers, proper resourcing of the courts and the rest of the justice system, an independent and self-regulated profession, and improved access to justice for all.

Even our “kinder, gentler” politics have become more divisive. In a world where the professional journalists who remain are under constant pressure, people get their information where they can find it. Misinformation is fueling distrust in bedrock institutions. Our courts and our judges need our collective voice to address unfair criticisms and interference that they cannot address directly. All members of the legal profession must remain vigilant, proactive and outspoken in support of the rule of law. If not us, then who?

My second priority was making the CBA a welcoming environment for all prospective members. The CBA should be a safe place for lawyers from all backgrounds and a place for dialogue and mutual respect. In a fragmented legal landscape, the CBA is a unifying force. Membership in the CBA adds value even for those who are members of other legal and industry groups. In championing the legal profession, the CBA advocates for our members from equity-seeking groups and their communities. The CBA aims to ensure that everyone’s rights are acknowledged and protected, in keeping with our commitment to equality and justice.

The CBA brings important issues to the forefront. We, as members, are a driving force for positive change — and we work against the forces that seek to erode the pillars of our legal system. We are determined to work together to build a stronger, more just Canada for all.

My third priority has been recognizing those who give back, as an encouragement to all of us to share the benefit of our privilege with our communities and to advance our profession. There are far too many of you to recognize here. Thank you to the outstanding staff at the CBA National Office. You have all contributed to making my role easier and much more effective. You are exceptional and dedicated professionals, doing the heavy lifting to reach the CBA’s goals. Thank you to the CBA’s skilled and supportive Board of Directors: each of you brought your talents. Equal thanks to the branch Presidents, Councils, Executive Directors and staff who keep our branches strong and active. Thank you to the leaders of our Sections, the lifeblood of the CBA, who take on professional development, foster collegiality, and advocate for legislative and policy change. Thank you to those who work as volunteers in Sections, committees, subcommittees, taskforces and branches. Thank you to all who support the CBA through your membership. Each of you advances the CBA’s mission and helps accomplish its goals for the collective benefit of all. It has been a blessing to serve you.

John Stefaniuk, K.C.
CBA President