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We surveyed hundreds of Canadian lawyers to identify critical gaps in the legal marketplace

We released two groundbreaking inaugural reports in March 2024 in partnership with the Thomson Reuters Institute: The State of the Canadian Law Firm Market Report and the Canadian Government Lawyers Benchmark Report. These reports help us understand how Canadian firms and government lawyers measure their performance in today’s legal landscape.

Research like this allows us to keep a pulse on industry trends and identify gaps in the marketplace. This is one of the many ways we support our members and the Canadian legal community. Here's what we found after surveying hundreds of lawyers across the country.

The State of the Canadian Law Firm Market

We surveyed over
330 lawyers
in law firms across Canada

The State of the Canadian Law Firm Market Report found that Canadian lawyers are generally optimistic about their firms’ success and their prospects for continued growth and profitability. But despite a robust post-pandemic recovery, the marketplace remains uncertain for Canadian firms. The report highlights gaps in strategic planning amid rapid technological change, global volatility and domestic economic concerns.

The top challenges facing firms include:

  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • Keeping up with increased competition in the marketplace
  • Spending too much time on administrative tasks versus high-value work
  • Managing mental health issues
  • Navigating the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the way firms operate

One key finding? The way firms define their success does not always align with how they measure it. Firms should explore this critical gap to better strategize for their future growth and success.

Canadian Government Lawyers Benchmark

We surveyed over
70 lawyers
from government agencies across Canada

Similarly, the Canadian Government Lawyers Benchmark Report reveals a disconnect between what government lawyers consider a success and what gets measured. It also highlights how government departments and agencies are struggling with hybrid working arrangements.

The top challenges include:

  • Managing the pace of legal and regulatory changes
  • Streamlining administrative tasks
  • Safeguarding lawyers’ mental well-being
  • Recruiting and retaining talent

Thanks to our partner on this project

Thank you to the Thompson Reuters Institute for their expertise. They helped us gather and analyze the data in this report.

“These reports will serve as a benchmark for the legal profession. They will allow us to follow the evolution of the legal market more closely in years to come and advance innovative solutions to current and future challenges.”
– John Stefaniuk, K.C., CBA President