Learning to Do Better

The CBA is committed to responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Our
philosophy is ‘when you know better, you can do better’ so, in the coming months, we will:

  • Offer educational resources to both the legal community and CBA staff to increase awareness of the legacy of the residential school system, support anti racism/bias training and increase cultural competency as it relates to the Indigenous community.
  • Work towards removing barriers to Indigenous participation in the CBA.
  • Engage in acts of reconciliation - consider purchasing Indigenous artwork from artists on this website for your home or office. Learn more about these talented artists. To learn about reconciliation in Canada,  we recommend viewing this video with Senator Murray Sinclair.
  • Build authentic relationships with the Indigenous community and keep the conversation going.

Our work in understanding and acknowledging the truth and engaging in reconciliation is an ongoing process check this website often to learn about new initiatives and resources and to learn how you can know better, so you can do better.

Meet the Indigenous Advisory Groups

Indigenous Advisory Group
Supported the CBA's launch of the Truth and Reconciliation Initiative

Indigenous Advisroy Group - Criminal Justice 
Advised on the CBA Department of Justice Canada project addressing overrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian Criminal Legal System.