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Section du droit de la propriété intellectuelle de l’ABC

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Case summary: Consent to the four activities in subsection 7(2) of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations may be effective even if temporal in nature

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • William S. Foster

Fresenius Kabi Canada Ltd. (“Fresenius”) entered into a confidential licensing agreement with AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd. (“AbbVie”) authorizing Fresenius to perform certain acts under AbbVie’s listed patents in respect of HUMIRA™ (adalimumab). Fresenius sought to rely on AbbVie’s consent under subsection 7(2) of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations (the “Regulations”) in respect of its New Drug Submission for its biosimilar drug product IDACIO™.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: SSE Holdings, LLC v Le Chic Shack Inc

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Jenny Thistle

The Plaintiffs [Shake Shack] brought an action for trademark infringement against the Defendant [Chic Shack]. The parties agreed to enter into a Court-assisted mediation governed by Rules 387 to 389 of the Federal Courts Rules. Shake Shack was of the view that, at the end of the mediation, the parties had an agreement to settle the action.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Bombardier Recreational Products Inc v Arctic Cat Inc

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Mohit Sethi

Prior to the case at bar, the Federal Court granted Bombardier Recreational Products Inc (“Bombardier”) a permanent injunction as the result of its infringement action. The infringer, Arctic Cat Inc (“Arctic Cat”), sought a stay of the injunction pending an appeal of the decision. However, the Federal Court of Appeal denied the stay as it was not satisfied that irreparable harm was established and the balance of convenience favoured Bombardier.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Court upholds Prothonotary’s decision that patent agent-client privilege subsists in communications made prior to Patent Act s. 16.1 coming into force

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • David Schnittker

Distrimedic Inc. (“Distrimedic”), the Defendant in a patent infringement action, appealed an Order of Prothonotary Steele. That Order dismissed Distrimedic’s motion contesting the privilege asserted by Richards Packaging Inc. (“Richards”) over documents in its affidavit of documents. The Court dismissed Distrimedic’s appeal.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Appeal of first trial decision under amended Regulations dismissed

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Benjamin Pearson

The Appellants, Amgen Inc. and Amgen Canada Inc. (“Amgen”), appealed a decision of the Federal Court that found claims 43-47 of Canadian Patent No. 1,341,537 to be obvious. Amgen argued that the Federal Court committed a reviewable error in applying the test for obviousness.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case Summary: Federal Court upholds Prothonotary’s Order granting release of a settlement agreement in Pharmascience v Pfizer Canada ULC

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Kelly McClellan

The Federal Court dismissed Pharmascience’s appeal of a Prothonotary’s Order ordering Pfizer (i) to produce an unredacted settlement agreement between Pfizer and a third party, contingent on consent of the third party, and (ii) declining to order production of a second unredacted settlement agreement between the same parties (2, 3, 15).

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Federal Court of Appeal clarifies the requirements for leave to appeal interlocutory orders made under the PM(NOC) Regulations

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Katie O’Meara

This decision concerned two motions for leave to appeal from a Prothonotary’s interlocutory order made under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, SOR/93-133 (the “Regulations”) as amended. Apotex Inc was the Applicant and Allergen et al. was the Respondent on the first appeal. Pharmascience Inc was the Applicant and Bayer Inc et al was the Respondent on the second appeal.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Costs awarded to plaintiff following defendant’s discontinuance of counterclaim

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Hung Nguyen

The Plaintiff seeks costs, following the Defendant’s filing of a Notice of Discontinuance to discontinue their counterclaim. The Defendant argues that the Plaintiff is not entitled to costs because those costs were already addressed in a previous court Order, and also because the items in the Plaintiff’s Bill of Costs do not exist in the list of items provided in Tariff B of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 (FCR).

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Federal Court of Appeal denies a request for a cost variance

  • 25 fĂ©vrier 2021
  • Hung Nguyen

This matter concerns an assessment of costs pursuant to 1) a Judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal (the “FCA”), wherein the Appellant’s appeal from an Order of the Federal Court was “dismissed with costs, including the costs of preparation of the appeal book”; and 2) an Order of the FCA, wherein the Respondent was awarded costs in relation to the Appellant’s motion.

Propriété intellectuelle