
CBA Members


Section du droit de la propriété intellectuelle de l’ABC

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Case summary: Civil contempt for breach of Anton Piller Order

  • 22 aoĂ»t 2023
  • Ken Clark

This is the first stage of a contempt proceeding between Bell Media and two individuals and their corporation who are accused of infringing the copyright of Bell and other rightsholders by providing unlawful IP tv services.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case Summary: Stay of patent impeachment action not granted pending re-examination

  • 21 aoĂ»t 2023
  • Cheryl Cheung

This decision related to a motion brought by the Defendant, uniQure BioPharma B.V., where the main action (the “Action”), brought by Pfizer Canada ULC and Pfizer Inc. (collectively, “Pfizer”), was to impeach uniQure’s Canadian Patent No. 2,737,094. The motion was for a stay of the proceeding on the basis that the 094 Patent was being re-examined at uniQure’s request, and in that process the scope of the claims and the issues in the proceeding may be narrowed.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Federal Court allows motion for security for costs in bifurcated proceeding, rejects pleading of impecuniosity and applies double costs rule

  • 21 aoĂ»t 2023
  • Sharon Chernyak

The Defendants/Plaintiffs by Counterclaim, TELUS Corp and TELUS Health Solutions (Defendants), sought security for costs pursuant to Rule 416(1)(b). The principles applicable on such a motion are well established, including that the quantum of costs is at the discretion of the Court and must correspond to the probable costs to which the Defendant would be entitled.

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Federal Court decides motions about redactions

  • 21 aoĂ»t 2023
  • Catherine Blair

In an action brought under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GMBH & Co KG, and Boehringer Ingelheim International GMBH (collectively, “BI”), redacted information from documents before they were disclosed to Pharmascience Inc (“Pharmascience”).

Propriété intellectuelle

Case summary: Assessment officer may assess but cannot order costs

  • 21 aoĂ»t 2023
  • Michal Kasprowicz

The appellant wholly discontinued an appeal proceeding, entitling the respondent to costs forthwith, which may be assessed. The respondent subsequently filed costs submissions, including a draft bill of costs, which initiated an assessment of costs.

Propriété intellectuelle