Model Code of Professional Conduct July 12, 2016 CBA supports proposed changes to FLSC Model Code of Professional Conduct on competence, dishonesty, leaving a law firm, and incriminating physical evidence.
Bill C-14 — Medical Assistance in Dying (Letter to Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs) May 04, 2016 The Canadian Bar Association recommends amendments to Bill C-14 (medical assistance in dying) to align with Carter v. Canada.
Entity Regulation March 07, 2016 The CBA comments on entity regulation to the Federation of Law Societies and encourages the law societies to harmonize any new regulations between jurisdictions
Canadian Bar Association Intervention Policy February 24, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Mid-Winter Meeting of Council.
Training Lawyers to Resolve Everyday Legal Disputes February 24, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Mid-Winter Meeting of Council.
Joint Policy Statement on Audit Inquiries February 24, 2016 A Canadian Bar Association resolution passed at the 2016 Mid-Winter Meeting of Council.
Physician-Assisted Dying February 08, 2016 The Canadian Bar Association makes recommendations to the Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying.
Welcome to Justice Portfolio November 04, 2015 The CBA extends congratulations to the Justice Minister and looks forward to working with her to convey the perspective of the legal profession on issues of mutual interest.
Welcome to Prime Minister November 04, 2015 The CBA extends congratulations to the Prime Minister and looks forward to working with the new government to convey the perspective of the legal profession on issues of mutual interest.
Physician Assisted Dying November 02, 2015 The CBA encourages the Provincial/Territorial Expert Advisory Group on Physician-Assisted Dying to adopt a harmonized, clear and principled approach to end of life decision-making, including timely access to physician assisted dying.