2020 Essay Contest Winners

An animation with an essay coming out of a laptop.

Administrative Law—Paul Smith Memorial Award

Devan Schafer
Is There a Selection Effect in Administrative Law?

Air and Space Law— Air and Space Law Section Student Essay Contest

Kellie Fowler
Airline Shootdown Incidents: Do International Inquiries Provide Successful Outcomes?

Alternative Dispute Resolution—James L. Thistle, Q.C. Memorial Award 

Brett Ryan Book
Increasing the Use of Technology in Alternative Dispute Resolution

Business Law—The Langlois Prize 

English Contest:

Robert Nanni
What’s in a Name? Understanding “Piercing the Corporate Veil” in Canada after Yaiguaje V Chevron Corp

French Contest:

Isabella Tamilia
La règle selon laquelle un actionnaire d’une spa ne dispose pas d’un recours direct contre le tiers qui cause un dommage Ă  l’entreprise est-elle compatible avec les principes de base du C.C.Q.? (Available in French only)

Charities and Not-for-Profit Law—Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Student Essay Contest

Reid Buchanan
Charitable Donation Tax Credits In Canada: Equitable Concerns And Options For Reform

Competition Law—James H. Bocking Memorial Award

Katie Healy
CGI Social Media Influencer & Deceptive Marketing

Construction and Infrastructure Law—The Atrium Law Student Essay Contest

Donato Rosati
Integrated Project Delivery, Building Information Modelling, and Smart Contracts: Potential Tools for Optimizing the Delivery of Construction Projects

Environmental, Energy and Resources Law—Gowling WLG-David Estrin Prize

Annie Arko
The Prospect of Public Nuisance for Indigenous Communities: The Case of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation

Health Law—Health Law Student Essay Contest

Emily Wilson
Medical Malpractice and Jury Secrecy: Is it Time to Lift the Veil on Causation?

Intellectual Property—Intellectual Property Section Law Student Essay Contest

Adam Lakusta
Reforming Canada’s Intellectual Property Laws: The Slow Path to Reconciliation

Labour & Employment Law—Labour and Employment Law Section Student Essay Contest

Sara Tatelman
The Floor of “Frugal Comfort”: Eliminating Payment In Kind Deductions from Minimum Wage

Municipal Law Section—Municipal Law Section Student Essay Contest

Yezhou Shen
Étude d’effectivité sur les réprimandes officieuses et officielles imposées par la Commission municipale du Québec entre 2012 à 2016 (Available in French only)

Privacy and Access Law—Privacy and Access Law Section Student Essay Contest 

Ilya Berlin
Le projet de loi C-59, la cybersĂ©curitĂ© et les enjeux liĂ©s au recueil des ensembles de donnĂ©es par le Service canadien du renseignement de sĂ©curitĂ© (SCRS) (Available in French only)

Women Lawyers Forum—Writing Her In Essay Contest

Samantha Peters
Making Social Context Education Mandatory: Why Cultural Competency Should Matter in the Courtroom

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