
Leveraging the Media to Help Grow Your Practice

  • August 15, 2014
  • Hale T. Chan

You see your competition described as a leading legal expert on the six o’clock news as he is being interviewed about a breaking story. You read an article in the newspaper where another competitor is quoted. In your car, you turn on the radio and still another competitor is on the air giving her opinion on some legal issue. You say to yourself, “I could do that. Why didn’t the reporter call me?” Well, probably because the reporter doesn’t know you exist.

Conflict Resolution at Law Firms: A Juggling Act

  • August 14, 2014
  • Janet Ellen Raasch

Conflict is no stranger to a law firm. In fact, much of what a lawyer does is based on the avoidance or resolution of disputes, using a standardized set of skills and rules.

Young Lawyers International Program (YLIP): Out of the office, into the field

  • August 13, 2014
  • Ava Chisling

The Young Lawyers International Program, administered by the CBA and funded by the Canadian International Development Agency, places interns overseas to work with human rights legal organizations. In recent interviews, three of this year's participants described their involvement in efforts to shape legal systems in Guyana, South Africa and Kenya and highlighted the value of international experience.

First impressions

  • August 13, 2014
  • Susan Goldberg

The client's view of a lawyer is often formed and cemented long before the actual legal work ever gets underway. Yet many lawyers give little thought to those first impressions that will affect every aspect of the lawyer-client relationship. Here's what you can do to make a positive impact on clients from day one.

Recruiting & Retaining Top Talent in Today’s Legal Marketplace

  • August 13, 2014
  • Sean Dunnigan

As long ago as the early 1990s, leading trading associations in the United States began warning their members of impending shortages in the labour force. Employers were exhorted to focus on labour training, development and recruitment to address the ever-shrinking pools of skilled industry employees.