
How to Manage Your Cash Flow: Use Your Banker As Your Partner

  • March 13, 2014
  • Edward Poll

Some lawyers still debate whether law is a profession or a business. To believe that law is the business of providing services to individuals and organizations does not take away from the lawyer’s professionalism – it merely means lawyers should approach the law in a businesslike way. When it comes to cash flow, your banker certainly agrees.

Build Loyalty Through Client Feedback

  • March 11, 2014
  • Dom Bautista

How many of your clients do you know by name? Do you understand why you know the ones you do? Chances are the ones you remember by name are the repeat clients and big clients.

Guide to Successful Associate Evaluations

  • March 05, 2014
  • Amy Jo Ehman

It’s that time of year again. No, not taxes, or a trip to the dentist, or the insurance bill. It’s time for the annual employee evaluation, when partners sit down with associates and tell them what’s been good – and not so good – with their performance over the past year.

Plain Language Legal Writing: Part I – Writing as a Process

  • March 04, 2014
  • Cheryl M. Stephens

Plain language is language that is clear and understandable – and as simple as the situation allows. Legal language that is plain poses special challenges, but is not impossible. Clearer, simpler writing – stripped of complexity but not of style – will also help to improve your client relations.

A sign of the times: handling career transition

  • March 01, 2014
  • Anna Conrad and Beth Lieurance

It’s a reality today: that firm you thought you would retire from may be gone or restructured tomorrow. Are you ready to look for other work? Are you positioned to begin the job search again? Have you done any thinking about what you would do if faced with the chance to transition your career?