
Landing a former justice

  • March 05, 2014
  • Ava Chisling

Retirement lay ahead for two well-respected former justices. Then the law firms came calling.

The rocky road of succession planning

  • February 05, 2014
  • Michael Rappaport

What happens to a small law practice when it’s time to retire? Sole practitioners and small firm lawyers are discovering it isn’t always easy to find someone to carry on the business.

BlackBerry Tips and Tricks

  • February 03, 2014
  • Jason Scott Alexander

Getting the most out of your BlackBerry often goes beyond reading the manual and mastering a few basic shortcuts.

Berry insecure?

  • February 03, 2014
  • Jason Scott Alexander

Apply security measures to your Blackberry communications.

Partner compensation as a moral responsibility

  • January 20, 2014
  • Edward Poll

The practice of law is a business. That means law firms are governed by the same cash flow formula that defines all business success: P = R - E. Profit (for the firm owners) equals revenue collected less expenses. This defines cash flow, the lubricant that enables all businesses to function.

Make Partners Face Up to Each Other at a Firm Retreat

  • January 07, 2014
  • Edward Poll

In the nearly 20 years since the 1989 Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Black et al v. Law Society of Alberta, which opened the door to interprovincial law firm mergers, there has been a steady stream of law firm combinations in Canada.