
Spotlight on East Africa project, call for volunteers

  • December 07, 2017

The project has the green light, the funding is in place, now the CBA just needs to put some people in its resource bank for a program in East Africa focusing on increasing sustainable growth in the region, particularly for women and communities affected by extractive industries. Can we sign you up?

Legal aid in Canada: Same conclusions, different report

  • December 07, 2017

How many reports does it take to change a government’s mind about proper legal aid funding? Good question. The CBA has produced a few, as have other agencies. And now an in-house report, prepared by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights is striking a familiar chord.

CBA on Bill C-23, Preclearance Act

  • December 04, 2017

Michael Greene appeared on behalf of the CBA before the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence to present a submission on Bill C-23, Preclearance Act, 2016 prepared by the Immigration Law Section, the Criminal Justice Section and the Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section.