

Spotlight on resource for asylum-seekers

  • August 22, 2018

Asylum-seekers are a hot-button news item these days, so a new resource from the CBA’s Immigration Law Section, meant to help immigration lawyers, settlement agencies and asylum-seekers themselves is a timely publication indeed.

Application process for expungement

  • August 22, 2018

Do you have a client who was once convicted of an offence that is no longer illegal? The Expungement of Historically Unjust Convictions Act is now in force. Find out what you can do to clear a client’s record.

Notes from a YLIP intern: Muhammad Zubair

  • August 22, 2018

Muhammad Zubair is one of a group of interns who will soon be deployed to their placements around the world as part of the Young Lawyers International Program. He writes about the experience so far.

Meet a colleague: Q&A by the coffee machine with CCCA’s Karen Sadler

  • August 21, 2018

Meet Karen Sadler. For the last seven years she’s been creating buzz and working her magic with words for the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association as Marketing & Communications Coordinator and Associate Editor for CCCA magazine. Ask her what she likes best about working at the CBA and without hesitation she’ll tell you it’s the people.

Looking inward can help you navigate stress and change

  • August 20, 2018

Change often goes hand-in-hand with stress. Our brains are naturally wired to detect threats – our survival depends on it – and sometimes change can signal danger to our brains. While we cannot change our built-in survival systems, emerging science tells us it's possible to train our minds to change the way we react to stress.

Five Canadian lawyers. Five great reasons to renew.

  • August 09, 2018

They say membership has its benefits, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to joining or renewing your membership in the Canadian Bar Association (CBA). More than 36,000 lawyers throughout Canada know firsthand the value of being a CBA member. From career development and networking opportunities to influencing legal policies and the Canadian judicial system, being a member of the CBA means being actively involved in your profession.