

Steeves Bujold begins his tenure as President of the Canadian Bar Association

  • September 01, 2022

Steeves Bujold of Montreal begins his year-long tenure as the 94th President of the Canadian Bar Association today, taking the helm of the 126-year-old Association of more than 37,000 lawyers, notaries, law professors and law students across Canada. He succeeds Stephen Rotstein of Toronto. John Stefaniuk of Winnipeg begins his term as Vice-President.

Statement from the CBA President Stephen Rotstein on Emancipation Day

  • July 29, 2022

Last year, the House of Commons adopted a motion to recognize Emancipation Day on August 1. On this date 188 years ago, the Slavery Abolition Act, an Act of British Parliament, came into effect officially abolishing slavery in most of the British Empire, including what is now Canada.

Statement from the Women Lawyers Forum on Dobbs decision

  • July 12, 2022

The Women Lawyers Forum of the Canadian Bar Association echoes President Stephen Rotstein’s statement of June 24, 2022, expressing the CBA’s deep concern about Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization.