
NEERLS Summit: The intersection of energy and the environment

  • April 12, 2018

Lawyers with an interest in energy and the environment are invited to join their colleagues in Winnipeg at the end of May for a two-day conference exploring emerging trends and recent developments in environmental, energy and natural resources law.

Human Rights Comparative Project

  • April 12, 2018

With the help of CBA Law for the Future Fund grant, Lakehead University’s Dr. Miriam Cohen and her team created a searchable database of Canadian human rights decision and a website replete with other resources dealing with human rights.

Fraudulent Employment Contract Agreement Featuring CBA Logo

  • April 04, 2018

The Canadian Bar Association has been made aware of a scammer impersonating the Canadian Bar Association. One document shares employment opportunities at Kerui Petroleum, and the other an Employment Contract Agreement that includes both the Canadian Bar Association logo and the Kerui Group logo and asks for personal information.

The Hub: March 2018

  • March 20, 2018

The CBA has just launched new forms that allow non-members to create and update profiles. These simple forms should make it easier for non-members to manage their accounts.

Q&A with the CBA’s new Executive Director of Shared Services

  • March 20, 2018

Cathy Cummings brings a wealth of experience—including seven years leading the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association—to her new role as Executive Director of Shared Services. We put her in the hot seat with some important questions about Shared Services at the CBA.

Spotlight: Sharing Our News on Shared Services

  • March 20, 2018

Spring is a time for renewal, so it’s only fitting that the work of Shared Services at the CBA is getting underway. We are excited to confirm that Cathy Cummings, currently Executive Director at the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association, will take on the role as Executive Director, Shared Services.