

CBA supports family reunification as an immigration priority

  • October 27, 2016

In an appearance before the Commons Citizenship and Immigration Committee on Oct. 27, the CBA’s Immigration Law Section expressed its support for the principle of family reunification as an objective of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

CBA President statement on judicial appointments & reforms to the appointments process

  • October 20, 2016

The Canadian Bar Association is pleased that the government has improved the judicial appointment process and has filled some vacancies on the courts. The Canadian Bar Association agrees with the reinstatement of the “highly recommended” category for judicial candidates as a way of denoting truly exceptional candidates. We are also happy that voting on Judicial Advisory Committees has been rebalanced so that the majority of members will be independent of the government.

More input into criminal justice system delays presented

  • October 19, 2016

Following an appearance before the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee last February, and the subsequent release of the Senate Committee’s report on delays in the criminal justice system in August, the CBA is now offering additional input.

Can Regulation Advance Access to Justice?

  • October 14, 2016

Join the CBA Access to Justice Committee, as a part of Access to Justice Week organized by TAG – The Action Group on Access to Justice, as we consider if we can - indeed if we should – foster access to justice through legal regulation.

Checklist for writing legal health checks

  • October 12, 2016

CBA’s legal health checks are a way of alerting people to legal issues they may not be aware of. They can impart basic information on a particular theme and give lay people an idea of the next steps they’ll need to take to prevent a legal problem, or at least stop it from escalating.