The CBA Business Law Section is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Langlois Prize Law Student Essay Contest:
Best English paper: Robert Nanni for his paper entitled, What’s in a name? Understanding “piercing the corporate veil” in Canada after Yaiguaje v Chevron Corp. Robert is entering his fourth year of a JD/MBA at the University of Toronto.
Best French Paper: Isabella Tamilia for her paper entitled, La reÌ€gle selon laquelle un actionnaire d’une SPA ne dispose pas d’un recours direct contre le tiers qui cause un dommage aÌ€ l’entreprise est-elle compatible avec les principes de base du C.c.Q.? Isabella is in her final year of law at the Université de Montréal.
The award was established to promote and reward interest in business law in Canadian law schools and to promote participation by Canadian law students in the national Business Law Section.
The CBA Business Law Section wishes to thank Langlois Lawyers for sponsoring the English and French award prizes.