

IP tip sheet for Brexit

  • July 13, 2016

The recent Brexit vote took a lot of people by surprise – including some of those who voted for it. Currency speculators were particularly hard hit in the short term, but if you’re wondering what difference a British exit from the EU might make to your business in the long run, the CBA’s Intellectual Property Section has produced this tip sheet to provide some early guidance.

Winner of CBA 2016 Law School Essay Contest David Estrin Prize

  • July 07, 2016

Sarah Walsh, a third-year law student at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, is the winner of the 2016 Canadian Bar Association (CBA) National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Section (NEERLS) Law School Essay Contest David Estrin Prize.

CBA International Initiatives round-up

  • July 05, 2016

The recruiting season for the CBA Young Lawyers International Program has wrapped up; our project in Kenya has had some notable achievements; and Canadian lawyers will be heading to Vietnam to provide technical assistance in support of a new law there.

The CLC is your chance to connect

  • July 05, 2016

Alongside an engaging speaker line-up and interactive professional development streams, the CBA Legal Conference gives you lots of opportunities to connect with your colleagues from across the country.

CBA Re-think: Voting on governance

  • July 05, 2016

Speaking of CBA governance – this is the culmination of the CBA Re-Think process begun in 2014. After wide-ranging consultations, the CBA has a new strategic direction and a proposed new system of governance that will be decided on in August.

Crime, clemency and calls to action: The CBA resolves to…

  • July 05, 2016

The 18 resolutions on the table at the Council meeting in August run the gamut from a change in the CBA’s governance structure to a plea to fill longstanding judicial vacancies in superior courts; from more gender inclusion on CBA membership forms to a request for clemency for a Canadian convicted on false evidence who has spent more than 40 years behind bars in the U.S.

Spotlight on: The Pitch

  • July 05, 2016

Have you heard about The Pitch? A group of experts has chosen five legal innovators to state their case for their products to a group of judges, investors and a live audience at the CBA Legal Conference in Ottawa this August.

The Pitch: Where Startups State Their Case

  • June 30, 2016

The cutting edge of legal technology innovation will be on display at the CBA Legal Conference this summer in Ottawa. Five legal startups will get to pitch their ideas in front of a panel of judges and a live audience, vying for a two-week internship at LegalX in Toronto.