VI Subcommittees and Task Forces

16. Subcommittees of the Finance Committee

  1. The Investment Steering Subcommittee:
    • advises the Finance Committee, and through it the Board, as well as the Boards of related corporations, on the strategic investment of the funds of the Association and related corporations.
    • executes the applicable Board-approved investment strategy.
      1. Membership: Three members, including the Chair of the Finance Committee who will chair the Subcommittee.
      2. Qualifications:
        • Understanding of investment principles and practices, and of fiduciary duties in an investment context.
        • Experience as a member of a board or committee that manages the investment of other people's funds.
  2. (Repealed, Board, 29 Nov 2022, in effect 1 Sep 2023)

17. Subcommittees of the Governance and Equity Committee

  1. The Equity Subcommittee is dedicated to achieving equity in the legal profession, in particular on the basis of sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, age or disability. The Subcommittee:
    • promotes awareness of equity issues in the profession and ways to eliminate discrimination;
    • develops resources to assist the profession in achieving equity;
    • monitors the status of equity and diversity in the profession.
      1. Membership: Eight members, two of whom are Board members with experience in equity issues, and one of whom is a member of the Policy Committee. Members of the Subcommittee other than the Board members and Policy Committee member serve a two-year term. The Board members and Policy Committee member may be appointed for a second term, provided they are still a Board member or Policy Committee member.
      2. Qualifications: Ability and experience in equity issues through:
        • an understanding of the Association’s mandate and history in relation to equity initiatives
        • involvement with equity initiatives at in a branch of the Association or workplace
        • solid knowledge of equity issues and related legislation, jurisprudence, procedural justice, theory and practices
        • knowledge of challenges faced by members of equity-deserving groups coming into contact with the justice system, or in the legal profession
        • knowledge of or involvement in initiatives undertaken in other equity-deserving organizations
  2. The Sections Subcommittee:
    • assists with coordination and communications amongst Sections, and between Sections and the Board of Directors, the Finance Committee, the Management Team and other CBA entities;
    • consults with and brings the perspective of Sections to the Leadership Forum; and
    • oversees appointments to the Bench and Bar Committees for the Federal Courts and Tax Court.
      1. Membership: Five members
      2. Qualifications: Experience in oversight of Sections or in leading a national or branch section.
  3. The Well-being Subcommittee:
    • identifies priorities, projects and initiatives for the legal profession on mental health and wellness;
    • enhances awareness of mental health and wellness issues in the legal profession;
    • develops programming, professional development and resources to assist and support the legal community in identifying and dealing with issues related to mental health and wellness;
    • supports Lawyer Assistance Programs across the country.
      1. Membership: 10 members, including one Board member, one member appointed by the Judges Section, one member appointed by the Canadian Bar Insurance Association and, where possible, one person from each of seven regions (British Columbia; Alberta; Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon; Saskatchewan and Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; and the Atlantic Provinces). A majority of subcommittee members must be CBA members.
      2. Qualifications:
        • Experience in or knowledge of:
          • issues relating to mental health and wellness affecting the legal profession
          • provincial and territorial Lawyer Assistance Programs and delivery of services at the local level
          • national and global trends in mental health and wellness issues
        • Interest in developing resources and programming to assist the legal profession in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. (Board; 9 Jan 2018, 8 Mar 2018, 30 Apr 2018, 21 Feb 2020, 31 May 2022, 18 Jan 2024)

18. Subcommittees of the Policy Committee

  1. The Access to Justice Subcommittee:
    • Coordinates and integrates activities of the Association to improve and promote access to justice for the poor and middle class in Canada;
    • facilitates information sharing about legal aid and pro bono across Canada:
    • liaises with legal aid and pro bono organizations and CBA groups
      1. Membership: Five members
      2. Qualifications: Experience in issues relating to access to justice, through
        • delivery of legal aid services,
        • activity in legal aid or pro bono policy or research,
        • participation in a pro bono law organization,
        • knowledge of public legal education,
        • knowledge of Aboriginal issues in the Canadian legal system, or
        • knowledge of poverty law issues
  2. The Ethics and Professional Responsibility Subcommittee fosters ethical and professional conduct and standards in the legal profession. It studies issues relating to ethics and professional responsibility and develops practice tools to assist lawyers in fulfilling their professional responsibilities.
    1. Membership: Five members
    2. Qualifications: Knowledge of practical application of rules of professional conduct for the legal profession, or ethical and disciplinary issues in other regulated professions.
  3. The Judicial Issues Subcommittee addresses policy issues relating to judicial appointments, compensation, discipline and independence.
    1. Membership: Five members
    2. Qualifications: an understanding of principles of judicial independence through experience in judicial issues such as appointment processes, education, discipline processes, compensation commissions.
  4. The Law Reform Subcommittee:
    • pursues improvement in law and administration of justice that reflects the Association’s commitment to the rule of law, the Charter of Rights and fundamental human rights.
    • reviews all Association submissions to government and Parliament.
    • promotes law reform priorities for the Association.
      1. Membership: Five members
      2. Qualifications: Experience in or knowledge of:
        • policy development, law reform, test case development or government relations
        • Rule of Law, Charter of Rights and fundamental human rights.
        • Interest in emerging issues of law outside usual area of practice
  5. The Legal Futures Subcommittee has an ongoing mandate to prepare the profession for the future.
    1. Membership: Five members, at least one of whom is a young lawyer and at least one of whom is a law student.
    2. Qualifications
      • Knowledge of national and global trends and issues for the legal profession.
      • Innovative thinking in the face of change.
      • Experience in innovative approaches to law practice or client service.
      • Ability to foresee long-term implications of approaches that are not readily apparent.
  6. The Supreme Court of Canada Liaison Subcommittee serves as a link between the Court and the Bar. It consults with National Sections and SCC counsel on issues that the Court and Bar may raise for review. 
    1. Membership: Five members
    2. Qualifications: Experience in Supreme Court of Canada or other appellate advocacy, or in SCC agency work.