CBA Awards of Excellence

Louis St-Laurent Award of Excellence

Melanie Bueckert

The CBA’s highest award, recognizing a lifetime of outstanding service.

The 2024 honoree for this distinguished award is Melanie Bueckert, Legal Research Counsel with the Manitoba Court of Appeal. Melanie has made extensive contributions to the profession and legal education as an instructor at the University of Manitoba and a devoted leader at the Manitoba Bar Association. She has become highly recognized for her legal expertise as the author of countless papers, book reviews and textbooks on critical topics ranging from criminal law to administrative law, civil procedure and beyond.

Douglas Miller Rising Star Award

Afifa Hashimi

For outstanding service, dedication and team spirit toward the profession and CBA by a CBA member.

Afifa Hashimi, an associate at Moore Edgar Lyster LLP in Vancouver, was recognized as a rising star within the CBA. Called to the bar in 2021 after graduating from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, Afifa is now an active leader at the BC Branch. She serves as the co-chair of the Human Rights Law Section. Afifa specializes in union-based labour, human rights, employment and administrative law. She contributes many hours to pro bono work and volunteerism with civil rights organizations.

Ramon John Hnatyshyn Award for Law

Naiomi Metallic

For outstanding contributions in law reform, legal scholarship and/or legal research.

Schulich School of Law Associate Professor Naiomi Sara Walqwan Metallic won this year’s award for her outstanding contributions to law reform, research and legal scholarship. As the Chancellor’s Chair in Aboriginal Law and Policy at Dalhousie University, she has been instrumental in developing the law school’s offerings in Aboriginal and Indigenous law and revitalizing Indigenous laws at large. Naiomi’s work in law reform and advancing the rule of law has been widely cited by the courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada.

Touchstone Award

Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers British Columbia

For the promotion of equality in the legal profession, the judiciary or the legal community.

As the largest equity-seeking bar organization in BC, the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers British Columbia (FACL BC)’s work aims to promote equity, justice and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the community at large. The FACL BC actively fosters and advances advocacy and legal scholarship. Its award-winning documentary, But I Look Like a Lawyer, is a prime example of the FACL BC’s innovative and groundbreaking work.

Jack Innes Award

Carolyn Lefebvre

For outstanding contributions of leadership and commitment to the CBA by a current staff member.

Carolyn Lefebvre is the Senior Director of Membership, Engagement and Strategy at the CBA’s BC Branch. Since joining the Association in 2017, she has been a devoted leader and made lasting contributions. She introduced innovative processes that have greatly improved teamwork, efficiency and member support. Her work has had a positive ripple effect on CBA National and our branches across the country.