Administration, Information Technology & Finance

Human Resources (Administration)

In 2023–2024, our Department of Human Resources (HR) achieved important milestones in onboarding, training and labour relations, among other work. The team developed and implemented a manager onboarding and training program to upscale skills and capacity to meet the needs of CBA National Office.

The team evolved the HR function to a business partner model, which will provide value-added decision-making to senior leadership. The HR Business Partner helps senior leaders identify and mitigate potential risks related to compliance, employee relations and talent management. This new role is also responsible for employee engagement and development strategies.

In addition, we completed collective bargaining. A three-year collective agreement for CBA employees was ratified.

Information Technology (IT)

New Association Management System (AMS)

We are working with a consulting firm to define the CBA’s requirements and develop a design for a new AMS solution. The project will establish the level of customization needed and allow the CBA to obtain fixed-fee proposals for the AMS implementation.

Association Data Analytics

We are deploying Association Analytics, a data analytics platform built exclusively for associations, to obtain improved reporting and more accurate business insights. The platform will identify our most engaged members, at-risk members, potential event attendees, new revenue opportunities and more.

Upgraded and Enhanced CBA Websites

We have created 15 new websites (CBA National, branches and CCCA). Data migration is nearly complete, with a planned launch for many sites during the summer. The go-live date for each branch site will depend on readiness from a content and support perspective at each branch.


The CBA reported total revenue from all sources of $15.3 million, total expenses of $16.8 million and a net loss from operations of $1.47 million for the year ending August 31, 2023.

For the 2023–2024 fiscal year, the CBA used its surplus to offer additional value to members through in-person PD programs and special events. To better control expenses, the CBA has since taken corrective measures, converting meetings and conferences to online events wherever feasible and streamlining processes to realize efficiencies.

$15.3 million

$16.8 million

$1.47 million
net loss
from operations