This award will not be given in 2016-2017. Please check back in September 2017.
The Edward K. Rowan-Legg Award was established by Judi Rowan-Legg in honour of her husband, Edward K. Rowan-Legg of Ontario and Nova Scotia. Ted was a dedicated and active member of the CBA, who served as CBA National Treasurer from 1999 until his death in 2001.
The Award, a cash prize of $1,000, is designed to recognize a dedicated contribution to the CBA by a student member.
- No more than one award may be awarded per year.
- No award need be granted in any one year.
Nomination Procedure
- Nominations shall originate in the branches, and must be submitted to the Selection Committee by the Branch President no later than June 15.
- Nominations shall be accompanied by a nominator's letter including the nominee's name, contact information, and a brief description of why the individual should receive the Award.
- Nominations shall be submitted to: Edward K. Rowan-Legg Award, Canadian Bar Association, 865 Carling Avenue, Suite 500, Ottawa, K1S 5S8
Deadline for Applications: To be announced.
Selection Process
The Selection Committee shall be composed of the CBA Treasurer, the Chief Executive Officer and the Senior Director of Communications. The Committee shall determine the criteria for the award, and use this as a basis for the selection of a winner.
The Edward K. Rowan-Legg Award shall consist of a $1,000 cash prize. An engraved plaque will also be presented to the winner.
Award Winners
- 2016 - Robert Sevalrud (Calgary, AB)
- 2015 - Douglas Judson (Toronto, ON)
- 2014 - Olivier D. Girardeau (Montreal, QC)
- 2013 - Katherine E. Fraser (Edmonton, AB )
- 2012 - Alexander Shalashniy (Regina, SK)
- 2011 - Preston Parsons (Vancouver, BC)
- 2010 - Alicia Myroon (Saskatoon, SK)
- 2009 - Adam van der Linde (St. John, NB)
- 2008 - Anita Wandzura (Saskatoon, SK)
- 2007 - No award given
- 2006 - Chris Lavier (Saskatoon, SK)
- 2005 - Arsen Krekovic (Vancouver, BC)
- 2004 - Prasanna Ranganathan (Saskatoon, SK)
- 2003 - Jill Ransom (Brandon, MB)