Member Articles

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Women Lawyers Forum

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Alternatives to practice

  • June 30, 2014
  • Gina Alexandris

You have to love the people who knew at the age of three what they wanted to be when they grew up, and never changed their minds. But if youā€™re someone whose career path is somewhat less clear, never fear: most adults can expect to change jobs andā€¦

Solidarity amongst victims of domestic violence

  • February 14, 2014
  • Archana Medhekar

Survivors of domestic violence become important examples for current victims of what the future can hold, says Archana Medhekar, a practising family law lawyer in Toronto. Their shared history gives the two groups a unique bond that makesā€¦

Not tired yet

  • February 14, 2014
  • Heidi Schedler

We have come a long way, baby, but honey, we ainā€™t there yet, says Heidi Schedler, who works with the Nova Scotia Securities Commission. Itā€™s easy to become frustrated when youā€™re fighting for equal rights, because there are no quick fixes.

Call me a feminist. Or not.

  • February 14, 2014
  • Nadia Bechai

Nadia Bechai reaped the fruit of the womenā€™s movement ā€” treated equally in school, encouraged to achieve her goals, personally and professionally. Superficially, at least, sheā€™s been living the dream of equality.