A warm welcome to each of you for the 2018-2019 year as a member of the CBA Municipal Law Section. We look forward to another successful year working together to make your municipal law practice successful and rewarding. Your executive committee invites you to participate and share your talents and wisdom for the betterment of all.
There are two matters for your immediate attention. First, please send us your draft articles, funny stories and anecdotes to share with other members of the section and publication on the Section website. If you wish, names and dates can be changed to protect the innocent!
Second, remember to register for the CBA Fall Law Series webinar, “Current Issues in Municipal Law: Addressing Integrity and Climate Change” on October 25. We have an excellent cast of presenters on very timely subjects and hope you can attend.
Thank you and all the best in the year ahead.
Robert Peterson
Chair, CBA Municipal Law Section