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Spotlight on Find-A-Lawyer

  • June 13, 2018

Playing hide-and-go-seek is no way to drum up business. CBA has a new way to help people find you more easily: a Find-a-Lawyer database on the website. Find out more.

Attention Students: CALREI-IAMGOLD Essay Award

  • February 08, 2018

Canadian International Lawyer (CIL), the semi-annual periodical of the CBA International Law Section, is pleased to have been requested by The Canadian Association of Lawyers with Russian Eurasian Interests (CALREI) to announce the 2018 CALREI-IAMGOLD Essay Award.

Making a difference abroad: CBA’s Young Lawyers International Program is back

  • February 05, 2018

The CBA International Initiatives is thrilled to announce that they have been selected by Global Affairs Canada as a grant recipient for its Young Lawyers Intern Program (YLIP). The grant will provide YLIP with funding for 32 interns each year, over the next four years, to be placed with organizations in developing countries.

Spotlight on East Africa project, call for volunteers

  • December 07, 2017

The project has the green light, the funding is in place, now the CBA just needs to put some people in its resource bank for a program in East Africa focusing on increasing sustainable growth in the region, particularly for women and communities affected by extractive industries. Can we sign you up?