
CBA-Ontario branch report

  • July 08, 2014
  • Antonin I. Pribetic

Read on to see what’s been going on in the Ontario branch...

International Law

Alberta Branch report

  • July 08, 2014
  • Brianna E. C. Guenther and Jordan Hulecki

Read on to see what’s been going on in the Alberta Branch...

International Law

BC Branch report

  • July 08, 2014
  • Jennifer Button and Jeffrey D. Horswill

Read on to see what’s been going on in the BC Branch…

International Law

Trade and Investment Committee report

  • July 08, 2014
  • Andrew Lanouette

Andrew Lanouette provides an update from the Trade and Investment Committee, which has launched a weekly media-monitoring newsletter, Trade Clippings, thanks to the help of some dedicated volunteers.

International Law

Quebec Branch Report

  • July 08, 2014
  • René Cadieux

Read on to see what’s been going on in the Quebec branch...

International Law

Services, investment, and CETA: What we know and don’t know

  • February 08, 2014
  • Clifford Sosnow and Sean Stephenson

In October 2013, Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed an agreement in principle on a free trade deal with the European Union. There’s a lot we still don’t know about the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, commonly known as CETA.

International Law

Time to get ready for Canada’s new anti-spam legislation

  • February 08, 2014
  • Jenny Siu

One person’s spam is another person’s bulk mailing to interested clients. With Canada’s anti-spam legislation set to come into force in July, it’s important to know which one you’re sending before you press the Send button.

International Law