Join us October 17 to 18, 2024, at the iconic Fairmont Banff Springs located in Canada’s oldest National Park in Banff, Alberta, for the 18th Annual CBA Insolvency Law Conference.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from lawyers, trustees, bankers, and judges from across Canada on recent developments in insolvency law, and to reconnect with colleagues and friends. Our expert panels will share their knowledge on the following timely topics:
- Litigation trends in insolvency proceedings
- The triple header of insolvency cases from the Supreme Court of Canada
- The rocky road that reverse vesting orders are beginning to encounter
The conference will also feature a cross-Canada case law panel and deliver key information on lessons learned in high-profile insolvency matters since last year’s conference.
Save the date and check back for updates often!
We are looking for articles for the Domestic Insolvency Review. Please feel free to reach out to our liaison officer, Natalie Edmondson or to CBABankruptcy@cba.org to submit your member articles.
We look forward to seeing you in Banff in the fall!
Thank you,
CBA Insolvency Law Section