Submissions and Resolutions


Court Martial Review

  • March 31, 2017

The CBA urges comprehensive Parliamentary review of the military justice system, with adequate time for careful consideration and public input.

Administrative Law, Constitutional & Human Rights, Criminal Justice and 1 more..., Military Law

Bill C-23 — Preclearance Act 2016

  • March 27, 2017

The CBA says that amendments to the Preclearance Act would grant highly intrusive powers to foreign officials operating on Canadian soil, diminishing the rights of Canadians and other travellers, without adequate safeguards.

Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade, Criminal Justice, Immigration Law

Gender identity and gender expression rights in federal correctional facilities

  • March 17, 2017

The CBA raises concerns about transgender rights issues in federal corrections, including housing, segregation, searches and testing, showers and toilet facilities, access to personal items, clothing and prosthetics, and health care.

Aboriginal Law, CCCA, Constitutional & Human Rights and 6 more..., Criminal Justice, Military Law, Public Sector, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Women Lawyers, Student Forum

Retaining the Preliminary Inquiry

  • March 14, 2017

The CBA urges retaining the preliminary inquiry and refutes the suggestion that it contributes to court delays. Rather, it is a tool for justice efficiency and fairness.

Aboriginal Law, Constitutional & Human Rights, Criminal Justice

Canada's National Security Framework

  • February 10, 2017

The CBA summarizes its main priorities about the national security framework for the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety and National Security.

Charities & Not-for-Profit Law, Constitutional & Human Rights, Criminal Justice and 3 more..., Immigration Law, Military Law, Privacy and Access

Security of Canada Information Sharing Act (SCISA)

  • January 30, 2017

The CBA supports information sharing for the purpose of national security that is necessary, proportionate and accompanied by adequate measures against abuse.

Criminal Justice, International Law, Privacy and Access

Independent Reviews - Medical Assistance in Dying

  • January 23, 2017

The CBA extends offer of assistance on Medical Assistance in Dying studies to be undertaken by Council of Canadian Academies.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, CCCA, Constitutional & Human Rights and 7 more..., Criminal Justice, Elder Law, Family Law, Health Law, Privacy and Access, Wills, Estates and Trusts, Child and Youth Law