Dear Section Members,
I am happy to report that your CBA Administrative Law Section has been busy as usual! We contribute to national policy, comment on legislative initiatives and offer in-depth continuing legal education to our members year-round. Visit the Section webpage to learn more and meet the 2017/18 Executive.
On November 16, 2017, the Section held its annual in-person Section executive meeting in Ottawa to set our priorities for the year. It was unanimous: our top priority is you, our members.
I am therefore happy to have this message be part of our new CBA Admin Law Insider, which will deliver relevant pan-Canadian content to you throughout the year. The goal of the CBA Admin Law Insider is to serve as a hub for legal developments and activities related to administrative law across Canada and for the exchange of ideas amongst members. But we need your input. If you have ideas or would like to contribute content, please contact us.
Member engagement also means planning for the future. To this end, the Section is pursuing approval to reserve an executive member-at- large position for a young lawyer and is renewing our partnership with the Laskin Moot Competition to strengthen its commitment to law student and young lawyer engagement. Last year, local Branch Section members offered practice sessions to student moot teams at law schools across the country and we look forward to doing so again this year.
Following the meeting, we held our 18th annual CBA Administrative Law and Labour & Employment Law Conference. Over 200 lawyers, law professors, tribunal members and judges from across the country attended. Read more on the highlights from the 2017 Conference and save the date for 2018! We are pleased to announce that next year`s conference will take place on November 16 and 17 in Ottawa.
If you have any ideas for topics or speakers for next year’s 2018 conference, please let us know.
- The Section continues to have several active committees and would welcome expressions of interest from those wanting to get involved. Committees include:
- Law of Lobbying and Ethics Committee
- Subcommittee on Governor in Council Appointments
- Communications Committee
- Professional Development Committee
- Enter or encourage a law student or young lawyer (within three years of their call to the Bar) to enter our Paul Smith Memorial Award by February 28
- Join the Section’s LinkedIn network
If you have any other ideas or are looking for other ways to get involved in the Section, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Audrey Boctor
Chair, CBA Administrative Law Section
Call for Applicants – Court Martial Appeal Committee … read more here
We are always looking for members to submit relevant and current articles on administrative law issues under the Section’s article banner Intra Vires. This is a great opportunity for lawyers to give back to the profession and get published. Articles will be highlighted in the CBA Admin Law Insider and the CBA Quarterly Round-up.
Visit Intra Vires for recently published articles on the standard of review, the 2017 CBA Administrative Law, Labour and Employment Law Conference, tribunals and statutory courts and cooperative federalism: