Media Requests: Quick Summary

The CBA spokesperson policy clarifies the circumstances when a Section chair may make statements to the media. There are a number of steps to follow to ensure you have all the information you need before speaking to media.

1. Refer all media inquiries to the CBA

Journalists will sometimes bypass the CBA and contact you directly for a story that they are writing that involves the CBA. They may be checking a fact, looking to speak with you about a CBA initiative or policy, or requesting a comment or interview.

We ask that all media inquiries be referred back to the CBA. The contact is Vanessa Racine, 1-800-267-8860 ext. 153,

Should you be contacted by media about the CBA, a sample response could be: “Media Relations Manager Vanessa Racine is handling all media calls and she will be happy to help you out. She can be reached at 1-800-267-8860 ext.153 or by email at

Having all media inquiries funneled through our office allows us to streamline, strategize and schedule our responses, keeping our messaging consistent and on point with CBA policies and initiatives.

Based on the policy and in close collaboration with colleagues in the Advocacy department, we will help draft talking points and key messages. The Advocacy contact is:

Yves Faguy, 1-800-267-8860 ext. 137,

2. Respond to the reporter in a timely fashion

Once briefed, be sure to call the reporter back to complete the interview. Understandably, they work on tight timelines and appreciate the effort.

3. Let us know how you did

CBA tracks media coverage. Where possible, we can send you transcripts for evaluation purposes.

Questions or concerns?

Contact Vanessa Racine, 613 237 2925 x 153; 1 800 267 8860 x 153;