
How to Increase Your Fees: Measure Your Service in Terms of Value

  • 17 juillet 2014
  • Edward Poll

Despite the fact that most lawyers bill by the hour, we don’t really sell time; we sell a service at a fixed fee. Our goal should be providing value, defined as advice that gives solutions to our clients. In the end, the client’s perception of value really determines whether the price we charge is reasonable for the service provided. Price is the marketplace’s barometer for telling you how it values your service.

Civility in the Legal Practice: Practical Tips

  • 16 juillet 2014
  • Ron Profit

There seems to be an increasing need, expectation and emphasis on civility in our legal practice - - by our fellow lawyers, clients and the public. There is also an expectation, a demand by clients that from the beginning of their file we advocate fully, forcefully, fearlessly and sometimes fiercely on their behalf.

Mettez-en plein la vue

  • 16 juillet 2014
  • Gerald A. Riskin

Offrez un service « légendaire » et récoltez les fruits de vos efforts.

Service garanti

  • 09 juillet 2014
  • Richard G. Stock

L'innovation rapporte dans la prestation de services professionnels.

Cinq bonnes raisons de ne pas s’en prendre à l’avocat adverse

  • 09 juillet 2014
  • David R. Keene II

Au cours de votre carrière, vous rencontrerez des avocats adverses qui vous énerveront. Ils seront exagérément querelleurs, manqueront à leur engagement de fournir certains documents, présenteront requêtes par-dessus plaintes modifiées par-dessus demandes préalables par-dessus requêtes, ou seront tout simplement de mauvais praticiens.

Women lawyers, business development and hockey

  • 01 juillet 2014
  • Susan Van Dyke

Finding the right activities is critical to sustaining a business development plan. Playing to your strengths will catapult you to success like nothing else. 

A new lawyer's guide to networking

  • 17 juin 2014
  • James Raiswell

When you’re starting out as a lawyer and developing your practice, you quickly discover that you need people – people to turn to for advice, people who can help develop your skills, people you can represent. But how do you find these people while still managing to bill 2,000 hours?

Building trust differs between men and women

  • 16 juin 2014
  • Cristi Cooke

Lawyers and law firms alike should incorporate female-friendly strategies into marketing and business development activities. For example, historically effective client events such as golf tournaments and hockey games are usually not as effective for courting female clients. Both lawyers and their firms need to consider the age-old question: “What do women want?”

Le travail est une gratification en soi : portrait de deux as du pro bono

  • 12 juin 2014
  • Valerie Mutton

De plus en plus, les jeunes avocats sont les fers de lance des démarches pro bono au sein de la communauté juridique canadienne. Armés de la conviction que comme professionnels du droit, ils ont une obligation de déférence et d’aide à l’égard des moins favorisés de la société, ils sont en train de créer une nouvelle tradition pro bono adaptée au 21e siècle. Nous vous présentons deux de ces avocats.