
How to Adjust Your Fees Without Losing Clients

  • September 19, 2014
  • Amy Jo Ehman

Imagine the dream client. Upon receiving your bill for legal services, he informs you with all sincerity that you are not charging enough. It’s a sure sign that it’s time to raise your fees.

Top 10 Ways Young Lawyers Win Referrals

  • September 18, 2014
  • Debra L. Bruce

Young lawyers have more pressure to develop business (or demonstrate their potential to do so) than in the past, yet very few receive adequate training or mentoring on how to go about that. The good news is that, despite significant changes in the legal landscape over the past decade, most lawyers still get the bulk of their new clients via referrals from other lawyers. Here are tips for young lawyers (and some more experienced ones, too) on how to generate referrals from other lawyers.

Five Ways to Measure the Success of Your Marketing Efforts

  • September 17, 2014
  • Susan Van Dyke

The numbers don’t lie. If your marketing programs are working, revenues will eventually rise. It’s that simple. But, the incubation period between strategy execution and revenue increase will vary.

What to Look For In a Partnership Agreement

  • September 09, 2014
  • Janice Mucalov, LL.B.

All those years of hard work have finally paid off and you’ve been invited into the partnership! Now you have the opportunity to make more money; you can join the players at the partnership table and have an active say in the operation of the firm. Your future in the firm is assured. Or so you think…

Career Alternatives for Lawyers

  • September 01, 2014
  • Janice Mucalov, LL.B.

If you’ve been thinking about quitting the practice of law, you’re not alone. Canadian statistics are hard to come by, but in the US, up to 40 per cent of lawyers want to leave the profession, and an estimated 40,000 lawyers walk away from their jobs each year.

The New Breed of Associate

  • August 28, 2014
  • Julie Stauffer

Calgary’s Thackray Burgess might just revolutionize associate compensation.