
Ces programmes sont offerts en anglais seulement. Nous offrons également une série de programmes gratuits en français.

Practical A.I. Tools for Your Law Firm

AI tools can help you provide more efficient and affordable client services. Most law firms typically allocate less than 1 percent to research and development. How can you best spend your 1 percent? Survey some of the latest practical AI tools and gain insights from early adopter law firms. Explore how AI can help visualize legal information, identify how individual judges rule on specific matters, and gain answers to your most pressing legal questions.

DurĂ©e : 180 minutes
CoĂ»t pour membres : Gratuit
CoĂ»t pour non-membres : 225 $ plus taxes


Platforms, Apps and Omnibots - Alternate Views on the Future of Legal Research

Can you imagine a future where a single sign-in will give you access to a range of tools to support different aspects of legal research? How about one where effective research requires multiple accounts from different service providers each of which offer a tailored solution? Or perhaps a future where you simply ask an artificially intelligent Alexa, Siri, Cortana or Google to find you some stuff that you can rely on? As you might have already observed, we are madly rushing in all three directions right now! In this webinar, Colin Lachane, CEO of Maritime Law Books will discuss these different and potentially conflicting trends; introduce the players, tools and technologies being applied to legal research; and offer some suggestions on how to manage the onslaught of new gadgets and miracle solutions demanding your time and legal research investment dollars.

DurĂ©e : 85 minutes
CoĂ»t pour membres : Gratuit
CoĂ»t pour non-membres : s.o.
