Submissions to Government

Our Submissions to Government are open to the public. They are presented here in a non-accessible PDF format. If you would like to receive an accessible web version, please contact us by email.


Geographic Price Discrimination

  • March 31, 2014

The CBA says plans to prohibit cross-border price discrimination through the Competition Act would make the Competition Bureau a “price regular” and could backfire by chilling cross-border trade. The Bureau should promote open and fair competition.

Competition Law

Bill C-9 — First Nations' Elections Act

  • March 21, 2014

While the CBA finds the goals of the First Nations’ Elections Act (Bill C-9) laudable, it must not interfere with First Nations’ constitutional right to determine their own systems of internal government. We suggest amendments to the Bill.

Aboriginal Law

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

  • March 10, 2014

The CBA urges the federal government to use the concluding observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child as a roadmap to table a detailed Government Action Plan for implementing the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Child and Youth Law

Uniform Charities Act

  • March 08, 2014

The CBA recommends a Uniform Charities Act as critical to the future viability of the Canadian charitable sector.

Charities & Not-for-Profit Law

Appeal Jurisdiction for Registered Charities

  • March 04, 2014

The CBA recommends changes to the Federal Courts Act and the Tax Court of Canada Act to alter the jurisdiction for appeals in matters concerning registered charities in Canada.

Charities & Not-for-Profit Law, Taxation Law

Judicial Appointments

  • March 04, 2014

In a letter to the Minister of Justice, the CBA recommends that judicial appointments better reflect bilingualism and the diversity of the Canadian population.

Proposed GST/HST changes in the Excise Tax Act

  • February 25, 2014

In response to the 2014 Budget announcements, and Finance Canada’s request for views on the proposed changes to the GST/HST provisions of the Excise Tax Act, the CBA outlines its concerns.

Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade