

Income Tax Act — Treaty Shopping

  • May 16, 2014

The CBA/CPA Joint Committee on Taxation offers extensive comments on the federal government’s proposed rule to address “treaty shopping” as defined in Budget 2014.

Taxation Law

Consultation on the Canada Business Corporations Act

  • May 14, 2014

The CBA addresses several issues to update the Canada Business Corporations Act as part of Industry Canada’s consultations, and urges a comprehensive review of the legislation every five years.

Business Law, Charities & Not-for-Profit Law, International Law

Patent and Trade-mark Agent-Client Privilege

  • May 09, 2014

The CBA urges Industry Canada to consult further with the Federation of Law Societies and provincial and territorial law societies, before deciding whether to extend privilege to communications between patent and trade-mark agents and their clients.

Intellectual Property

In the Interests of Children — Response to Bill C-560

  • May 08, 2014

The CBA reiterates its stance to retain the “best interests of the child” test for custody and access, and opposes private member’s Bill C-560 that would impose equal parenting time for children.

Family Law, Child and Youth Law