

Terrorist Financing Study

  • April 27, 2015

The CBA proposes changes to the legislative framework for preventing terrorist financing, to limit the impediment on charities' role in society and in the prevention of terrorism, while still protecting charities from abuse by would-be terrorists.

Charities & Not-for-Profit Law, Criminal Justice, Military Law and 1 more..., Privacy and Access

Government of Canada (Public Works) Integrity Framework

  • April 09, 2015

The CBA Anti-Corruption Team comments on the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) Integrity Framework calling for a review of the manner in which organizations are debarred from contracting with the federal government.

Business Law, Charities & Not-for-Profit Law, Competition Law and 3 more..., Construction and Infrastructure Law, Criminal Justice, International Law

White Paper on Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation Settlements

  • April 02, 2015

The CBA responds to the Competition Bureau's Patent Litigation Settlement Agreements, saying more debate is needed before landing on an appropriate enforcement approach to pharmaceutical patent litigation settlements under Canadian competition law.

Competition Law, Health Law, Intellectual Property

Canadian Register of Vessels

  • March 30, 2015

The CBA Maritime Law Section makes a series of recommendations to Transport Canada to improve the efficiency and certainty in the Canadian Register of Vessels and the Small Vessel Registry (commercial).

Maritime Law