Statement from CBA President Lynne Vicars on anti-2SLGBTQI+ demonstrations

  • September 20, 2024

As we witness once again anti-2SLGBTQI+ activity and rhetoric across Canada, the CBA reiterates that misinformation, violence, and other forms of hate targeting Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender diverse persons must never be tolerated.

Many members of our legal community work tirelessly to improve access to justice, inclusion in the legal profession, and adherence to the equal rights of 2SLGBTQI+ people. The CBA aims to lead by example and I am proud that at our most recent annual meeting, CBA membership adopted resolutions calling to combat transphobia and homophobia, and calling to end harmful education policies

We have made progress, but challenges remain. We must create and protect gender-affirming spaces for trans colleagues, clients, family, and friends to live authentically and with dignity. We must continue to defend and advocate for transgender rights and other constitutionally protected human rights. We must also continue to fight misinformation, violence and other forms of hate, and ensure that Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender diverse people feel heard and represented in our justice system.

I believe that ensuring equal justice for all, especially for marginalized groups, is of utmost importance in a functional democracy. It is essential to uphold the principles of fairness, and to foster trust and inclusivity among all members of our society.