

Young Lawyers International Program

  • February 02, 2016

In January, a contingent of 17 young lawyers with the CBA Young Lawyers International Program left Canada to begin six-month placements in Africa, the Caribbean, and South and East Asia.

New CBA website

  • February 02, 2016

On Dec. 13 the new CBA website was finally launched after much gnashing of teeth, pulling-out of hair and a colossal amount of work.

Nova Scotia releases draft Standard of Practice: Physician-Assisted Death

  • January 21, 2016

On February 6, 2015, the Supreme of Court of Canada stuck down the ban on physician-assisted death. The unanimous ruling provided eligible patients the right to receive assistance in dying from a willing physician. The Court gave Parliament and the provincial legislatures a year to build a framework to govern the provision of physician-assisted death.