

Message from the CBA President

  • July 01, 2015

Out-going CBA President Michele Hollins delivers her regards to Forum members, and thanks the bench on behalf of the country’s bar for the fine work they do every day.

Be a better lawyer

  • July 01, 2015

Erika Carrasco, the incoming Chair of CBA Young Lawyers, talks about how she came to join the CBA – and how rewarding the experience has been for her. She’s a better lawyer because of her experience with the association, she says.

Message from the Co-Chair

  • July 01, 2015

The Hon. Shelagh Creagh, a provincial court judge with the province of Alberta, provides a rundown of Judges’ Forum activities and talks about why membership in the Forum is a valuable resource for the Canadian bench.

Message from the Chair

  • June 01, 2015

Section Chair Susan Gordon talks about what the members have been doing and about priorities for the Section, including ongoing education opportunities.

Report from the ICB general assembly in Barcelona

  • May 16, 2015

Roxanne Helme, Q.C., the Criminal Justice Section representative elected to the governing council of the International Criminal Bar – and newly elected co-president of the ICB’s governing council – reports on the group’s meeting in Barcelona.