
Browse our news listing for top CBA news stories and messages to our members.

Message from the President

  • May 06, 2020

It is hard to believe that we have passed the two-month mark since COVID-19 disrupted our daily routines. We have had to quickly adapt to working from home and the term physical distancing has become part of our daily lexicon.

SIRD Project supports communities in Kenya affected by COVID-19

  • May 06, 2020

The SIRD Project worked with local partners to host the first "physically distanced" sensitization event in Fingirika Village, Kenya in April 2020. Officials presented potentially life-saving information and sanitation materials to residents in Kwale county’s mining villages.

YLIP interns have returned to Canada safely

  • April 09, 2020

In response to the health and travel concerns related to COVID-19, the CBA International Initiatives team mobilized quickly. As of March 20, 2020, all 30 Young Lawyers International Program interns placed overseas, and needing to return to Canada, have been repatriated.

YLIP internship leads to a full experience of life in Yangon, Myanmar

  • April 09, 2020

I first heard of the Young Lawyers International Program through a friend back in 2015, when she excitedly told me about a program through the Canadian Bar Association. It matched young lawyers with overseas organizations to gain effective skills in the areas of law reform, human rights and access to justice. Ever since that initial interaction, I knew YLIP was something I wanted to be part of. I just didn't know when.