
Browse our news listing for top CBA news stories and messages to our members.

Religious discrimination by government denounced at AGM

  • February 20, 2020

After hearing deeply personal stories, the Canadian Bar Association passed a resolution to denounce any law that uses religion to deny individuals equal opportunities within the legal profession or to have access to it.

Spotlight on Annual General Meeting

  • February 20, 2020

Chief Justice Richard Wagner addressed the CBA’s annual general meeting in Ottawa on Feb. 19. Read more on the Chief Justice’s remarks and the reports presented to the membership at the AGM.

Finding the right “fit”: My experience with the Young Lawyers International Program

  • February 13, 2020

My journey with the Young Lawyers International Program began a little over a year ago when I received a Facebook message from a friend (and now fellow YLIP intern – I owe you one, Katie) containing a link to the program’s webpage. I had not previously heard of this opportunity, and what seemed inconsequential at the time has become something significant.

Spotlight on the Annual General Meeting

  • December 09, 2019

Start off the new decade by joining with your CBA counterparts and participating in the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Registration for the 2020 AGM, to be held on February 19, is now open.