
Browse our news listing for top CBA news stories and messages to our members.

Essay contests – deadlines approaching

  • January 29, 2018

The CBA’s essay contests can help you build your profile within the legal community, connect with senior members of the bar, and hone your research and writing skills.

Develop and hone your skills with SLS 2018

  • January 29, 2018

The Skilled Lawyer Series is back with two streams to help you develop skills or hone the ones you already have. The first stream, beginning Jan. 30, is all about interpreting financial statements; stream two, which kicks off on Feb. 15, is about drafting legal documents.

Meet Vivene Salmon, CBA’s 2018-2019 VP

  • January 09, 2018

Vivene Salmon, assistant Vice-President, Compliance at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, was acclaimed CBA Vice-President for the 2018-2019 year. We asked her six important questions to get to know more about her background and her vision for the CBA.

CBA on the Cannabis Act

  • January 02, 2018

CBA's response to the CBSA Consultations on proposed regulatory amendments to the Cannabis Act.