

What you need to know: Pension law reform

  • September 15, 2015

Did you know the federal government is considering adding a voluntary supplement to the Canada Pension Plan? Or that the Ontario Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act received Royal Assent in May 2015? The CBA Pensions and Benefits Law Section has prepared an at-a-glance, one-stop summary of legal developments both at the federal and provincial level.

Anti-corruption coursebook

  • September 15, 2015

Professor Gerry Ferguson’s course Global Corruption: Law, Theory and Practice, which he’s teaching this fall at the University of Victoria, marks two firsts: it’s the first course on anti-corruption at a Canadian law school, and he’ll be teaching from the first coursebook focused on the law of anti-corruption available globally – a book in which the CBA’s Anti-Corruption Team played a key role.


  • September 15, 2015

We correct an error made in the August Enews about one of the CBA Legal Conference resolutions.

Five questions for Ed Montigny

  • August 16, 2015

The Triangle asked Ed Montigny, a long-time SOGIC member and Co-Chair of the Survey Advisory Committee, five questions about him and his involvement with SOGIC.