CBA membership has its privileges – including access to a host of exclusive perks and savings, for you and your office.
In the last few months the CBA has overhauled its preferred suppliers program and created CBA Advantage. The main advantage is that we’re now more able to tailor offers more closely to individual members – which should mean less news about offers you can’t use.
CBA Advantage groups suppliers into new categories:
Personal Perks, which include savings and benefits designed for members’ personal use;
Practice Savings, which will give lawyers volume buying power for their practices;
Professional Edge, with big-picture influencers that will keep you abreast of news, ideas and technology for the legal field.
Personal Perks suppliers include household names like Rogers, Avis, CBIA and Mercedes Benz, among others. For Practice Savings we have worked with companies such as Lenovo, FirstData and Purolator, to name just a few companies with deals tailored to CBA members’ needs. The big-picture Professional Edge suppliers include LexisNexis, DAS and ERAssure.
Check out the CBA Advantage web page for more information.