Annual General Meeting Procedural Rules
- Minutes Approval Committee: The Board will review and approve the minutes of the General Meeting and report the approved minutes to the membership online before the next annual general meeting.
- Login Information: At least one business day before the meeting, CBA will e-mail instructions to every preregistered member which will include login information and codes necessary to connect to the webcasting service.
- Login: The meeting platform will be open at least 30-mintues before the start of the meeting and members should login at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting.
- Members must ensure that their screen name includes their full name (first and last name).
- One hundred voting members of the CBA present shall constitute a quorum for a session of a General Meeting of the Association. No business shall be conducted at a session of a General Meeting unless quorum is present at the commencement of the session (Bylaw no. 1, s. 14(1)). If a quorum is present at the beginning of the meeting, decisions made later in meeting are valid even if quorum may not exist at the time of the decision. (s. 14(2)).
- The Chair may adjust the order and timing of items on the agenda as required.
- Technical Requirements and Malfunctions: Each attendee is responsible for their telephone and internet connections. No action will be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a member’s individual connections prevented participation in the meeting.
- Forced Disconnections: The Chair may cause or direct the disconnection or muting of an attendee’s connection if it is causing undue interference with the meeting. The Chair’s decision to do so will be announced during the meeting and recorded in the minutes.
- Assignment of the Floor: To seek recognition by the Chair, a member must use the designated method in the meeting platform as advised by the Chair (Zoom’s raise hand function), which will identify whether the member wishes to speak to the motion being discussed or if they seek recognition for a different purpose.
- Public Chat Disabled: The public chat function of the meeting platform will be disabled for attendees. Members who want to speak must raise their hand in Zoom and indicate in the host chat why they seek recognition (for, against, seeking clarification or making a procedural motion).
- Display of motions. Main motions/resolutions, or the pertinent part of main motions/resolutions, amendments, and other documents currently before the assembly, shall be displayed to the extent feasible.
- Debate:
- Upon recognition by the Chair, members must state their name, professional designation, and location prior to addressing the meeting.
- The Chair will recognize speakers in alternating order, “For” and “Against” the motion or resolution.
- If there have been three speakers on the same side of a motion or resolution and there are no speakers who wish to speak on the other side, the Chair may end debate and move immediately to a vote.
- The Chair may end debate at other times to keep within the allotted timelines on the agenda, by giving five minutes’ notice of the end of the debate.
- No person shall speak more than three minutes at one time or more than twice on one subject, except that, in introducing the resolution, the mover may speak up to five minutes (General Regulation, s. 6 (2)). When the speaker’s time is up, they will automatically be muted.
- Voting: Voting will be conducted using Slido. Vote results will be reported as the adoption or failure of the motion without detailed voting results.
- No Recording: Other than CBA staff, no attendee may use screen captures, video cameras, other recording equipment or live social media feeds to record, transcribe, or transmit any part of the meeting, other than as approved by the Chair.