Read Background

1. Title of Resolution:

CBA Bylaw Amendment – Defining Equity

2. Estimated cost of implementation to CBA:

(Including the amount of any increase in budget requirements, any potential savings, and the amount of staff time to implement the resolution) Note: National Office staff can assist in calculating implementation cost.

Modest cost to update Bylaws and Regulations can be achieved in current budget allocation.

3. Contact person who can assist the Board of Directors to implement the Resolution:

Name: Tamra L Thomson
Firm name: CBA, Ottawa
Telephone: (613) 237-2925 Ext. 137 

4. Implementation Calendar

(List steps to be taken by the CBA to implement the Resolution and suggested dates for completion of each step)

Bylaw amendments in effect on adoption at AGM and adoption of concurrent amendments to Regulations and Policies by Board of Directors.

5. Indicator of Success

(The practical result which, if achieved, will show that the Resolution has been successfully implemented by the CBA.)

Effective application of CBA commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive professional community.

6. Any information not appearing on the face of the Resolution to inform the deliberations:

(Attach or link to any background papers or other documentation in addition to this form which should be submitted to the Annual Meeting with the Resolution. Attach or link to documentation in both French and English, where it exists in both official languages.)

Since 2011, the CBA has used the terminology “equality” and “diversity” to describe its commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive professional community, and to support CBA members from diverse communities thrive in their careers.

The Equality Subcommittee is of the view that the CBA should revert back to its previous use of the term “equity” in Bylaws, Regulations and operational policies because the word “equality” is associated with pre-Charter jurisprudence which focuses on equal treatment (treating persons the same despite differences in, for example, ability, race or gender), while the term “equity” recognizes that it is often necessary to allocate different resources and opportunities to individuals or groups to achieve an equal outcome, consistent with human rights principles.

The Equality Subcommittee will recommend that the Board make concurrent amendments to the CBA Regulations (General Regulations, CBA Intervention Regulation and Sections Regulations) and operational policies to replace instances of “equality” with “equity” as appropriate. This will include changing the name of the Governance and Equality Committee to Governance and Equity Committee, and the name of the Equality Subcommittee to Equity Subcommittee.

7. (i) Person moving Resolution:

Will be present at Annual Meeting: Yes ☒ | No ☐

Name: Audrey Boctor
Firm name: IMK sencrl, Montréal
Telephone: (902) 934-7737       

7. (ii) Person seconding Resolution:

Will be present at Annual Meeting: Yes ☒ | No ☐

Name: Jillian Frank
Firm name: KPMG Law LLP, Vancouver
Telephone: (778) 785-5432

7. (iii) Branch, Section, Committee or Subcommittee sponsoring resolution, if any:

Equality Subcommittee

8. Branches, Sections, Committees or Subcommittees directly affected by implementation of this resolution:

Equality Subcommittee, Governance & Equality Subcommittee